24 Sample PERT Chart Templates

A PERT chart is “Program Evaluation and Review Technique” chart. It is an effective project management tool that is used to organize the tasks of a project and to indicate the connection between such tasks. For this purpose, many entities create their own or use pre-formatted PERT chart templates, whenever performing a project.
A PERT chart template mainly includes the tasks of a project, the estimated time required to complete each of these tasks and the estimated time in which a whole project will be completed.
Furthermore, it also takes into account any obstacles or unavoidable situations that may occur. For further clarity and more details, make sure to check out the given below PERT chart templates provided for you. 

Best PERT Chart Templates

PERT Chart Template


PERT Chart Template


PERT Chart Template


PERT Chart Template


PERT Chart Template


PERT Chart Template


PERT Chart Template


PERT Chart Template


PERT Chart Template


PERT Chart Template


PERT Chart Template


PERT Chart Template


How to prepare a PERT Chart?

In order to prepare an effective PERT chart, make sure to follow the given below easy steps:

  • First of all, you should be clear about the tasks or activities that are required to be performed.
  • Arrange these activities in a proper logical sequence and make sure to follow the sequence throughout the project.
  • Estimate the time that is required in order to complete each of the task or activity.
  • Determine the critical path of the project, i.e., the tasks or activities which are of most importance and without completing them, the project can’t be completed.
  • As the project proceeds, make sure to update the PERT chart on a regular basis.

Sample PERT Chart Templates

PERT Chart Template


PERT Chart Template


PERT Chart Template


PERT Chart Template


PERT Chart Template


PERT Chart Template


PERT Chart Template


PERT Chart Template


PERT Chart Template


PERT Chart Template


PERT Chart Template


PERT Chart Template


Benefits of using a PERT Chart

Following are some general benefits of using a PERT Chart for projects:

  • A PERT chart effectively helps in the decision making process of an entity.
  • The relationships among different activities of a project can be determined easily with the help of a PERT chart, as it provides a visual presentation of a project.
  • A PERT chart also considers any inevitable circumstances or situations.
  • It is an effective tool when it comes to planning large projects.
  • It minimizes the costs, efforts and time required to complete a project.
  • A PERT chart can be helpful in proper allocation of available resources.
  • It makes project analysis quite easier.
  • It makes the critical path more visible and obvious, thus identifying the tasks in a project, that are of most importance. 
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