35+ Special Work Breakdown Structure Templates

Every well reputed and well managed business will always want to carry out and complete their tasks or projects in a best possible efficient and effective manner. In order to do so, they try their best to keep their projects properly organized and manageable. This is where work breakdown structure templates are used. A work breakdown structure or a WBS is an important document in project management in which a whole project is divided and further sub-divided into a number of easily manageable tasks.
For a work breakdown structure or WBS template to be effective, it is very important that it must visually define the scope of the project under consideration. Such a visual definition of the scope of a project will make it easy for the project team to understand the complete project, its objective and the sections or parts in which it is divided. In WBS templates, there are different levels present in which the tasks and sub-tasks are included in a hierarchy. On each level, the tasks and sub-tasks must be properly and clearly explained. The tasks and sub-tasks on a lower level will require detailed explanations as compared to the tasks or sub-tasks at a higher level. It also includes all the estimates of costs of the project and the identification of risks too.
To know more details of a work breakdown structure, make sure to scroll down and check out the given below work breakdown structure templates.

Official Work Breakdown Structure Templates

Simple Work Breakdown Structure Template


Commercial Work Breakdown Structure Template


Detailed Work Breakdown Structure Template


Project’s Work Breakdown Structure Template


Work Breakdown Structure Blank Format Template


Software Project Work Breakdown Structure Template


Special Work Breakdown Structure Template


Informative Work Breakdown Structure Template


Department’s Work Breakdown Structure Template


Standard Work Breakdown Structure Template


Work Breakdown Structure Excel Template


Basic Work Breakdown Structure Template


Block Style Work Breakdown Structure Template


Tips for Creating an Effective Work Breakdown Structure Template

In order to create an effective and useful work breakdown structure template, make sure to consider the given below important tips for creating one.

  • Gather or collect different ideas and make sure to involve the members of the project team in creating an effective WBS. You must also involve several other departments in group discussions or gatherings, so as to take and consider their opinions and suggestions too.
  • The overall layout and structure of a WBS must be such that it looks professional. There must be enough space so as to provide details and information of each element of a WBS.
  • It is a good practice that the members of the project team use classic tools like whiteboards or sticky notes in order to determine the important work packages.
  • It is important to include more details of tasks or sub-tasks at a lower level, whereas for the higher level tasks or sub-tasks, less details are to be provided.
  • Make sure to keep the above mentioned details precise and straight-forward so as to make it easily understandable for the key users.
  • Feel free to use different available tools for the purpose of brainstorming, due to which some useful and relevant ideas and thoughts can be generated.
  • Before finalizing the work breakdown structure, make sure to properly review your WBS template, and feel free to amend or adjust it as required or needed.

Sample Work Breakdown Structure Templates

Organizational Work Breakdown Structure Template


Elemental Work Breakdown Structure Template


Formal Work Breakdown Structure Template


Example Work Breakdown Structure Template


Expert’s Work Breakdown Structure Template


Company’s Work Breakdown Structure Template


Work Breakdown Structure with Gantt Chart Special Template


Software Development Work Breakdown Structure Template


Work Breakdown Structure Dictionary Template


Work Breakdown Structure Diagram Template


Work Breakdown Structure Levels Template


Modern Work Breakdown Structure Template


Benefits of a Work Breakdown Structure Template

Following are some basic benefits of a work breakdown structure:

  • The most common use of a work breakdown structure is to effectively and efficiently manage and organize a project.
  • It helps a lot in determining the objectives and desired results of a project.
  • It is an effective tool that is used for the visual representation of all the levels, tasks or sub-tasks of a project.
  • Through a WBS, a particular project can easily be managed by dividing the work in manageable tasks.
  • A WBS template is also effectively used in explaining a particular project in details, to the potential stakeholders.
  • With such a system at place, managers can easily evaluate the overall progress of a particular project.
  • It is a useful tool in estimating the costs of a project and ensures to prevent wastage of resources.
  • Team members become fully aware of their roles and responsibilities that will ultimately increase their productivity.
  • A WBS provides the basis of overall budgeting of the entity as well as separate budgeting for each department.
  • It encourages effective communication within the departments.
  • It is an effective tool in identifying and managing the risks.

More Work Breakdown Structure Templates

Specific Work Breakdown Structure Template


Sample Work Breakdown Structure Template


Explicit Work Breakdown Structure Template


Exclusive Work Breakdown Structure Template


Regular Work Breakdown Structure Template


Latest Work Breakdown Structure Template


Plain Work Breakdown Structure Template


Elaborated Work Breakdown Structure Template


Ordinary Work Breakdown Structure Template


Pofessional Work Breakdown Structure Template


Entity’s Work Breakdown Structure Template


Proper Work Breakdown Structure Template


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